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About Us
We design and build Bomb Jammer ™ Technology in order to neutralize Remote Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices. Our Bomb Jammers / IED Jammers prevent deadly criminal acts such as radio controlled car bombings, assassinations, and other terrorist actions involving remote controlled weapons. We are a systems solution engineering company, and our experience with Bomb Jammer ™ and IED Jammer users is quite extensive.
We are able to offer custom RF Jammer solutions in order to counter IED threats involving remote controlled detonators. Our experience in the field of RF Jamming include advanced integration of RF components and Jamming hardware that make up our counter IED systems. We conduct training at our offices and production facility for those seeking an effective solution to the problems associated with RCIED weaponry. Our Bomb Jammers blanket areas with radio interference, neutralizing radio controlled improvised explosive devices or RCIEDs. RF IEDs or radio frequency IED weapons are popular among insurgent and terrorist groups. IED Jammers defend the users from criminal acts such as car bombings, assassinations, border control and check point bombings, roadside bombs, and other forms of terrorism by jamming the detonation signal used by an rfied explosive. Founded on the need to provide high tech solutions to combat terrorist and criminal acts, we introduced Bomb Jammer ™ and Bomb Detection systems in the 1970s (specifically with the original Bomb Ranger). Since the gulf war in the early 1990s, we increased our design and manufacturing operations to meet the needs for countering global threats. In addition to variations in design and production of our Bomb Jammer ™ ied jamming system, we provide governments with security technology to detect, locate, analyze, and immobilize bombs, explosives, and their respective radio communications. For sales outside of the United States, Click Here to Contact Us Please review the following for information about our company. Company Address HSS Development is located at the following address: HSS Development Company Contact Information HSS Development can be contacted via telephone, fax or email using the following information: Telephone: 1 . 914 . 304 . 4333 Fax: 1 . 914 . 368 . 9729 Email: Send Contact Message |